
10 Scientific Ways To Become Happier [Chart]

Just the other day we featured an infographic about a study that found a link between happiness and productivity. The…

11 years ago

6 Benefits Of Being Positive On Twitter

As you know if you follow me, I'm on Twitter everyday.  I love Twitter, I love my friends on Twitter,…

14 years ago

A Tribute To Our Bit Rebels Readers

Here we are, in the month of January, and once again we are solidifying our goals for the next twelve…

14 years ago

Signs of Life: What Makes You Feel Alive?

What makes you feel alive in your life? What are those things that make your heart beat fast and let…

14 years ago

This Watch Reminds You To Appreciate The Sky!

In our fast-paced world, we often forget to appreciate the simple things in life, don't we? With all of our…

15 years ago

7 Ways to Bring Sunshine to Your Twitter Followers

When I first began on Twitter, I remember seeing people debate whether or not you could build meaningful relationships on…

15 years ago

The Longest Letter Ever Written – Do You Know Who It’s To?

This is very touching. About ten days ago, a new world record was set for the longest letter ever written,…

15 years ago

12 Simple Ways to Improve Yourself Dramatically

We live in a world where we always make sure that we look after everyone else, but have you thought…

15 years ago

16: Moments | A Profound Film About The Moments In Life

What exactly is a moment in time? If you really think about it, it’s quite an interesting question. Our entire…

15 years ago

A Hooligan Turned Hero

We all read the stories about drunk drivers. They make us hug our children and cringe. This story has a…

15 years ago