
Add Some Happy Sunshine To Your Life Today!

If there is one thing I will always remember about the winter of 2011, it will be the unseasonably cold…

14 years ago

The Intersection of Childhood & Adulthood Illustrated

Just yesterday when I was sitting in my car at the supermarket, I saw a mother and her daughter pass…

14 years ago

To Brighten Your Day: A Gigantic Human Smiley Face!

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I'm a huge smiley face fan. I put smiley faces on…

14 years ago

The 5 Characteristics of a Happy Person!

Are you happy? Do you often encounter people who, no matter what their circumstances, are almost always happy? All of…

14 years ago

#LOL Can Animals Laugh Out Loud Like We Do?

I've always wondered whether or not dogs, cats and other animals ever find something funny and then laugh out loud.…

14 years ago

How To: Be Alone and Be Happy

This is my 660th article on Bit Rebels. I've had a blast writing every single one of them. Many of…

14 years ago

7 Advertisements For Emotions – Which Will You Choose?

Emotions are a double-edged sword, aren't they? When we are experiencing a lot of them, it makes us feel alive…

14 years ago

It’s Official – Twitter Knows When We Are Happy or Sad!

Here is yet another reason to embrace our beloved Twitter (as if we needed another reason, right?). Scientists have now…

14 years ago

An Aluminum Can Romance With A Happy Ending!

I wrote an article about a zombie wedding a few days ago. It was interesting and fun, but I have…

14 years ago

A Zombie Wedding – Blood Never Looked So Romantic!

When I wrote the article: Vampires vs. Zombies - Do You Know The Difference? several months ago, I was surprised…

14 years ago

Downsizing Life – The House The Size Of A Parking Space

We've seen a lot of wild and crazy houses, haven't we? After all, there is that woman who is building…

15 years ago

The Magic Of This Art Transformed Sadness Into Happiness!

Before I moved to Atlanta years ago, I lived for a brief time in Charleston, South Carolina. In Charleston, there…

15 years ago

Pucker Up – Plump & Juicy Lip Photography

Lips, lips, lips... what is it about them? We are all so fascinated with lips. Is it true that the…

15 years ago

The Color Pink Makes People Happy In Europe!

Pink is my favorite color. Is that why I'm writing this article? Probably. If it were socially acceptable in my…

15 years ago

The Magic of Love – Expressed in Art & Photography

It's always so much fun to see a person in love. They smile bigger, they walk lighter and they enjoy…

15 years ago