
Television Mounted In Sliding Door Is Cleverness Defined

Compact living is becoming a trend, and a lot of people try to lower their costs by moving to something…

9 years ago

Time Travel Communications Found Hidden In A Coffee Shop

If you've ever left a time capsule for future generations to find, you know how much fun it is. It's…

12 years ago

Desk With A Hidden Bed Built Into It So You Can Secretly Nap At Work

As people all over the world continuously ratchet up their work schedules, it makes sense that new designs keep appearing…

12 years ago
Find The LEGO Blocks Hidden In Each Of These 4 PhotographsFind The LEGO Blocks Hidden In Each Of These 4 Photographs

Find The LEGO Blocks Hidden In Each Of These 4 Photographs

Usually when we write about LEGO blocks, it's when they are incorporated into an impressive build. I think this is…

12 years ago

Secret Compartment Furniture That Makes Any Home A Treasure Hunt

It's easy to get drawn in by adventure movies, especially if they involve a whole lot of treasure hunting. I…

12 years ago
The Remote Controlled Secret House Entrance That Every Geek NeedsThe Remote Controlled Secret House Entrance That Every Geek Needs

The Remote Controlled Secret House Entrance That Every Geek Needs

I know what you are going to say - If every geek had this secret house entrance, it wouldn't be…

12 years ago

Flask Tie: Emergency Beverage Flask For Workaholics

How many times have you found yourself at your desk only to realize you forgot to get a cup of…

12 years ago

iPhone 5 Stealth Case Has A Hidden Storage Compartment

When it comes to iPhone cases, we sometimes cover the ridiculous, the useful and of course the utterly mad ones.…

12 years ago

Illustrations With Hidden Images: Jumping Jacks For Your Brain

Optical illusions are always mind-trippy, but when artists and designers take it one step further to create negative space art…

13 years ago

Where Girls Look First: The Secret Is Revealed [Video]

It has been debated since the dawn of time, and I don't think we'll ever fully reveal the secrets that…

14 years ago

The Black Light Tattoo Revolution Is Here

I think tattoos are getting more and more common, and every time I get back to the tattoo studio that…

14 years ago

The iOS 5 Hidden Features That Apple Didn’t Mention

The iOS 5 will be released to the public this fall, and I am one of the eager ones wanting…

14 years ago

All In One: Chameleon X-1 Mouse Two Times As A Game Pad!

Gamers have a thing for game pads. When they first appeared a long time ago in a galaxy far far…

14 years ago

How To: Leave A Time Capsule For Future Generations

Wouldn't it be cool to leave a time capsule in your house when you move? Someday someone would find it…

14 years ago

The Mother Of All Secret Entrance Doors

I am sure you're familiar with the legends of secret doorways in castles and mansions. They are always there and…

15 years ago