high school

History For Music Lovers: The Best Way To Study For Your Next Test

Do you remember your most awesome teacher? The one who dressed up in costume, entered the room with an electric…

13 years ago

Party In A Test Tube: Chemistry Parties Are So Reactive

When I was a kid, I wanted a chemistry set. Didn’t we all? Why did I want a chemistry set?…

13 years ago

Harry Potter Written On A Bathroom Stall Wall

This story has been out for about a week. I saw it the day it started circulating the Internet, but…

14 years ago

iPads To Replace Textbooks In Some Schools!

If you are a parent like me, you know that sooner or later you will have an "I remember when..."…

15 years ago

Dissected Frogs Never Looked So Cute!

When I was in high school, biology was my least favorite subject. I always thought dissecting animals was completely gross,…

15 years ago

The Most Creative Post-It Note Prank Ever

I think all of us at Bit Rebels are post-it note junkies because we've written about them so much. We've…

15 years ago

How To: Draw a Realistic Eye

Did you ever have a nemesis in high school? You know, that person that could always do something better than…

15 years ago

Take a Break – 3 Nutty Sites

You’ve been working hard all morning, your brain feels fried and it’s not even lunch time. You need a mental…

16 years ago

Best High School Reunion Prank Ever

I was a geek in high school. I never broke the rules, I aced AP calculus, and I worked the…

16 years ago