
Dog Muzzle Concept Aims To End All The QuackingDog Muzzle Concept Aims To End All The Quacking

Dog Muzzle Concept Aims To End All The Quacking

I have to admit that I think it is quite cute when people dress up their dogs in costumes. It…

13 years ago

The Evolution Of Music Delivered In One Video

Everything changes. Everything from the look of our hair to the landscape around us, and there is nothing we can…

13 years ago

The Hilarious Rock Timeline: From Classic To Modern [Infographic]

As some of you know, I am also a music producer and writer. I have written songs for artists all…

14 years ago

Portal 2 Now Has Its Own Rap Theme Song

It's like the geek community just can't get enough of the always emerging game spoofs. Whenever there is a hit…

14 years ago

36 Facebook T-Shirts To Match Your Status Update

The Facebook phenomenon started a whole world, and it doesn't seem to be ending anytime soon.  The fact that over…

14 years ago

How To: Flirt With Women!

Do you have a hard time getting the attention of someone you are attracted to? Have you been bold enough…

15 years ago

How To: Drive A Motor Driven Vehicle Without Even Having One

I was just brought into a hilarious laugh, and I can't stop. I rarely come across gems like this, and…

15 years ago

Can’t Get Enough Bacon? Enter Baconfest Chicago

Does the title of this post make you hungry, nay, Giddy? Us Too. As you know, here at BitRebels we…

15 years ago

Darth Vader In Lego Land: Humor Served By Eddie Izzard

I had such a busy day today. The best defense to any day like today is to just find a…

15 years ago

50 Clever, Hilarious and Geeky Twitter T-Shirts

It's amazing what Twitter has achieved in its short lifetime so far. Just the mere fact that it keeps on…

15 years ago

Hilarious Synchronized Dance Routine

When a catchy song gets popular, most often than not, people find a way to actually create a dance for…

15 years ago