
Trojan Horse Created From Thousands Of Computer Keyboard Keys

There are some things that are easy to recycle, some that are hard, and some that are just plain fun.…

12 years ago

Lego: A Graceful Flying Pegasus Automaton

According to Greek mythology, Pegasus is the horse with wings that flew out of Medusa's head. Whenever I've seen Pegasus…

13 years ago

A Creative Dog That Paints: Now I’ve Seen It All!

We've all seen and heard of animals doing incredible things. The geek in me always tries to analyze it. Are…

14 years ago

The Best Paper Sculptures You Have Ever Seen!

Yet again we cover something made of paper. It's not exactly the first time, but I can honestly and with…

14 years ago

3 Animals That Can Paint Better Than Me

Wow, this is a story with a twist. We often try to inspire you by featuring artists that illustrate extraordinary…

14 years ago

You Know You’re A Geek When..

Don't deny it.  You know you are a creative geek when the stuff you buy emulates your passion for applications…

15 years ago