
7 Great Tips On How To Live In A Condo On A Tight Budget

Living in a condo is like living in a 5-star hotel because everything will be within your reach. The internet…

7 years ago

5 Predictions About The Future Of Architecture Technology

Architecture has been transformed over the past few decades, thanks to advances in new technology. For example, the presence of…

8 years ago

4 Things To Consider Before Buying A Vacation Property

It’s something everyone who has taken a picturesque trip to their favorite ski lodge or beach resort – buying a…

8 years ago

Xentry: Turns Your Old Smartphone Into A Digital Peephole

With all the millions of smartphones that are sold every year, what happens to the ones that are old and…

11 years ago

Hotello Is Your Cheap Hotel Room In A Suitcase

I think everyone knows how frustrating it can be when you want to travel, but you can't find an available…

12 years ago

This Underwater Case For iPhone 4 & 4S Is An Epic Accessory

When you stumble upon a find that takes the technology you've purchased to new levels, it's always so exciting. It…

13 years ago

Living In A Dumpster: The Insane Container Conversion

I am sure that every single one of you has at some point come home to a messy home thinking…

13 years ago

Crystal Bubble: See The World By Living Your Life In Transparency

The world has some beautiful scenery to show us, if we're at the right place at the right time.  It's…

14 years ago

Container Guest House: Pack Your Guests In Recycled Living

I have always found it hard to house guests to my own satisfaction. Whenever someone jumps by my place for…

14 years ago

14 Spaceship Homes: Get Ready To Ditch Earth By 2012!

If you're one of the millions of people that hauled your butt to the movie theater to watch the epic…

14 years ago

A Fred Flintstone Inspired House: Architecture Inspiration

When I was growing up (in the days before the DVR), I remember The Flintstones would come on everyday at…

14 years ago