
Current Technologies That Could Build Real Superheroes [Infographic]

There are two types of 'real superheroes.' There are people like these Spider-Man Window Washers who go out of their…

12 years ago

Ketchup Can Transform Ordinary People Into Superheroes

Although I'm not a fan of minimalist design, that doesn't mean I don't like super simple illustrations and graphics. The…

13 years ago

Medieval Avengers: A Wicked Collection Of Fantasy Paintings

Artists seem to be truly inspired by The Avengers. Even though that movie has been out for a while now,…

13 years ago

10 Superheroes Primed For Avengers 2

Sequels, Assemble! Yeah, like anyone was really surprised that the mega blockbuster hit The Avengers has already been tapped for…

13 years ago

Spectacular Iron Man Stained Glass Helmet

Wow. There's stained glass, and then there's stained glass, if you know what I mean. This thing is truly spectacular!…

13 years ago

Excellent Superheroes & Supervillains Digital Art

I write a lot about superheros and villains because I love the old geeky comic books from the '80s. Even…

13 years ago

Superhero Bow Ties: Be The Best Dressed Hero On The Block

Oh my gosh, how cute are these? If you love superheroes as much as I do, you'll love these handmade…

13 years ago

Icans: Character Icons Redesigned Be He Can (Eat It SOPA)

You can kinda tell when you look at these redesigned pop culture icons that artist Alex Pardee was inspired by…

13 years ago

7 Vintage Style Illustrations: Superheroes & Their Alter Egos

Earlier today I wrote an article about depressed superheroes, and how superheroes are more like us than we realize sometimes.…

13 years ago

Mean Green Machine: A Freaky Xbox 360 Console Mod

There are game console modders, and then there is Kier. His motto is, "Why keep it standard if you can…

13 years ago

Superheroes As Unborn Babies: A Glimpse Into The Womb

Just when I thought we had featured all the popular superheroes in just about every way imaginable, Alexandre Nicolas surprises…

13 years ago

Your Favorite Superheroes Made From Paint Splashes

You know what these paint-splashed superheroes remind me of? A few months ago, there was an art installation that was…

14 years ago

If Social Media Sites Were Superheroes [Infographic]

It seems like a lot of designers are having fun creating infographics these days, and when they are fun like…

14 years ago

Meet the 13-Year-Old Real Life Spiderman

Vacuum cleaners are boring, aren't they? They are noisy, cumbersome and collect nasty dust. I'm so happy to see someone…

15 years ago

Knockoff Superheroes – Better Than The Originals?

The world is full of knock offs. There are knock offs for everything from handbags to diamond rings. When I…

15 years ago