
The Ultimate Guide To The Machine Learning Revolution

Machine learning came into existence over sixty years, when Alan Turing created the ‘Turing test’ to find out whether a…

8 years ago

Confidence vs. Arrogance In Successful Entrepreneurs [Chart]

If there is one characteristic that is annoying when it comes to entrepreneurs, it's arrogance. It's tricky though because if…

11 years ago

The Good Habits (And Bad Habits) Of Really Smart People [Infographic]

Are you a smart person? I suppose everyone wants to answer yes to that question. There are different kinds and…

12 years ago
Brainology: 15 Intriguing Facts About Your Brain [Infographic]Brainology: 15 Intriguing Facts About Your Brain [Infographic]

Brainology: 15 Intriguing Facts About Your Brain [Infographic]

It's easy to get lost in all the tools, apps and optimizations that mobile gadgets and new technology offer. We…

12 years ago

The Current State Of Artificial Intelligence [Infographic]

It seems almost everyone is working on making gadgets and computers self-aware in one way or another. I don't think…

12 years ago

Artificial Brain Now In Full Process Of Learning From The Internet

We are often treated to artificial intelligence in movies these days. We have even seen artificial intelligence turn on humans…

12 years ago

Potential Employers Think Intelligence Is Most Important [Infographic]

If you had to choose one trait which you think potential employers look for most when interviewing candidates, what would…

12 years ago

Pixar Lamp Has Finally Been Brought To Life In Reality

One of the most memorable moments in any Pixar movie is of course their introductory logo animation. Few of us…

12 years ago

Top 10 Smartest People Alive Today [Infographic]

As we all know, there are some pretty clever people in the world. There are people who have been able…

13 years ago

Siri vs. Furby: The Oddest Tech Conversation Ever Heard

If you are familiar with the saying that sometimes technologies "speak" to each other, you know that it means two…

13 years ago

Light Bedazzled Cell Phone: Every Girl’s Dream!

As you guys know, we have covered several new cell phone designs here at Bit Rebels, and we're not about…

15 years ago

Robots Are Now Marrying Humans – What’s Next?

The first step to us loving and accepting robots into our daily lives is to start giving them jobs that…

15 years ago