
Why It’s Important To Complete Your Twitter Profile

What's the first thing that pops into your head when you think about following someone on Twitter? Their profile, right?…

13 years ago

Public Sleeping In Japan [10 Photos]

You've heard about how, in Japan, it's okay to sleep in public places, right? I first heard about this several…

14 years ago

Switcheroo: Is It A Man Or A Woman? Are You Sure?

Sometimes we post things on Bit Rebels to do nothing more than give you a minute or two of something…

15 years ago

The Soda Pop Swimming Pool: Would You Swim In It?

I love Diet Dr. Pepper. I drink three or four of them each day. I don't drink any other kind…

15 years ago

Brilliant Caffeinated T-Shirt: “I Was Here”

I confess! I am a t-shirt junkie with a fanatic need to find the ultimate t-shirt for each day and…

15 years ago

An Aluminum Can Romance With A Happy Ending!

I wrote an article about a zombie wedding a few days ago. It was interesting and fun, but I have…

15 years ago