
Zen Of Yoda: Star Wars Wisdom Recreated With Old Keyboard Keys

Artists everywhere seem to be inspired by computer keyboard keys. We've featured so much fabulous art created by using those…

13 years ago

Star Wars For Lovers: A Creative Valentine’s Gift Idea

So you're married to the biggest Star Wars geek out there. What do you get him (or her) for Valentine's…

13 years ago

Star Wars Lightsaber Umbrella: Keeping You Jedi Dry

It's somewhat weird to write this article today since the sky shows itself from its brightest side with a clear…

13 years ago

If Star Wars Characters Had Access To Google [Infographic]

Most people I know use the Internet all day every day to extract information pertaining to every aspect of life.…

13 years ago

Jedi Kittens: The Battle Continues [Part 2]

Some of you people might remember an article I wrote not too long ago with the Jedi Cats that sported…

14 years ago

My Jedi Quiet Book: A Star Wars Embroidered Storybook

I sometimes wish I was a little bit more... hands-on when it comes to creativity. I don't "create" many things…

14 years ago

The Star Wars Alphabet Puzzle: Test Your Geek Trivia

Do you think you are a Star Wars fan? I mean, a reeeeeeal Star Wars fan? Would you reign superior…

14 years ago

Jedi Cats: Perfectly Normal Cat Behavior [Video]

I am reluctant to do it, but I just have to. I am one of those people who was initially…

14 years ago

The Jedi Trainer’s Guide To Employee Management

This little nugget has completely gone viral since it was originally posted yesterday. It's no surprise really. When you combine…

14 years ago

Jedi A-Holes Strike Back: Fandom Gone Wrong

With all the new Star Wars stuff being published daily on the Internet, you quickly start thinking that some of…

14 years ago

Become A Jedi Master: The First Star Wars School Opens

Ahh... to be a kid in today's world must be an incredible experience. Not only do you get to grow…

14 years ago

Star Wars Flow Chart: What Side Or Occupation Do You Belong To?

Some people really get into their favorite movies.  They immerse themselves so much so that they sometimes believe they are…

14 years ago

The Unofficial Star Wars Family Portraits

We've written about so many talented artists on Bit Rebels that sometimes it's hard to believe there are more out…

14 years ago

The Ultimate In Geek Style: Star Wars Jedi Bathrobe

I am a bathrobe snob. I like them big, fluffy, cozy and plush. I have a beautiful white bathrobe that…

14 years ago

Woman Marries R2-D2 In Official Ceremony

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever written about, but I just couldn't resist.…

15 years ago