
Shark Costume For Your Beer Bottle: The Koozie With Attitude

Gone are the days when everyone at a party has to walk around carrying the same boring beer bottles. There…

12 years ago

Knitted Converse Sneakers Let Your Inner Geek Come Out To Play

If you took all the geeky high heels, gamer shoes and Converse sneakers we've written about over the years and…

12 years ago

The Knitted Turkey Hat: Thanksgiving Isn’t Complete Without It

It's so funny how a little knitted hat can make a person's day, and this one just made mine. I…

12 years ago
Be A Superhero: DIY Retro Wonder Woman SweaterBe A Superhero: DIY Retro Wonder Woman Sweater

Be A Superhero: DIY Retro Wonder Woman Sweater

Wonder Woman is such a badass chick, and there's no question she's the best superhero of them all, at least…

13 years ago

Creative Crafting: Needle Felted Zombie Valentine’s Day Candy

This is the cutest little Valentine's Day gift I've seen in a long time. Does your sweetie like to get…

13 years ago

Finally! Crocheted Vulcan Ears To Cover Our Lame Human Ears

A few months ago, Richard wrote about a knitted Spock hat with Spock ears added to the side. That was…

13 years ago

Design Inspiration: 10 Warm & Fuzzy Knitted Muppet Hats

I grew up watching Miss Piggy on television, and to this day, I think she's so much fun. I got…

13 years ago

The Fuzzy Side Of The Force: Needle Felted Star Wars Ornaments

If you are a fan of soft fuzzy holiday ornaments and Star Wars, you are going to love these little…

13 years ago

DIY Fabric Pinecones: Spruce Up Your Home This Season

These little pinecones are wickedly cool. I normally don't think DIY crafts like this are for me, but this particular…

13 years ago

Cozy Vacation: Stay In This Colorfully Crocheted Hotel Room

Years ago, whenever we thought of knitting or crocheting, we probably thought of little old ladies sitting in rocking chairs…

13 years ago

Your Daily Cute: Get Schooled By Some Needle Felted Owls

Needle felting is becoming more and more popular, and looking at these little owls, I can see why. These are…

13 years ago

10 Crazy Creepy Crocheted Masks

I remember back in the spring I wrote about a website called Brutal Knitting dedicated to very scary and creepy…

13 years ago

Cute Crocheted Craft: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A few years ago, crocheting, knitting and needle felting were thought of as hobbies for grandmas. We didn't hear much…

14 years ago

Brutal Knitting: Don’t Mess With This Yarn

I don't think I've ever seen the words brutal and knitting in the same sentence before. When I think of…

14 years ago

Yarn Ferrari: Carefully Knitted Using 12 Miles Of Yarn

It's easy to get mesmerized by the splendor of sports cars. I don't think I am exaggerating when I say…

14 years ago