
Voice Actors: The Voices Of Our Childhood Heroes [Epic List]

We all go through periods in our lives when we watch certain shows and series on television or in the…

13 years ago

10 Questions To Ultimately Annoy Your Friends

Here at Bit Rebels we get a little tired at times, just like everyone else does. That is about the…

13 years ago

Top Movie & TV Villains: It’s All About Horror [Infographic]

You guys should know by now that I am a huge horror movie fanatic. I find the genre to be…

14 years ago

Top 30 Twitter Users: It’s All About Hollywood [Infographic]

I think there are millions of Twitter users out there that would probably do just about anything to get an…

14 years ago

Twitter Malware: A Complete Timeline [Infographic]

You are using Twitter, right? If you have used the social networking service for a while, you are well aware…

14 years ago

Top 10 Countries With Internet & What They Search For

To make a list of the top countries on the Internet isn't the most complicated of tasks since it pretty…

14 years ago

Superpowers Mega Chart: They Are ALL Here

It seems to be one of those days when everything we are writing about is on one single subject. I'll…

14 years ago

World Of Wine: Who Produces & Consumes The Most Wine

I don't consider myself to be a heavy consumer of fine wines, but I would like to think I know…

14 years ago

2011 Top April Fool’s Pranks Roundup [Infographic]

Everyone knew that we would probably go all out on the pranks, either yesterday or today, and to some extent…

14 years ago

Top 10 Tech Companies: Revenue And Expenses [Infographic]

In a world where most companies are trying to recover from the economic recession, there are a few that are…

14 years ago

A Practical Guide For Managing Time

People have always asked us here at Bit Rebels how we can do so many things and yet still be…

15 years ago

23 Houses Built In Odd Places

To have somewhere to call home is one of the most important rights that we humans have, but it's not…

15 years ago

Need Help In Getting Organized?

My days at work are very hectic lately. Do you ever have those days when you just say to yourself,…

15 years ago

7 Ways to set up your Auto Tweets

One of the most talked about controversies on Twitter. Some use it to spam while some use it to tweet…

15 years ago

10 Twitter Avatar Creators | Image Yourself

There has been quite a lot of talk going around whether to stick to your profile picture throughout your "career"…

15 years ago