
The Intricate Psychology Behind Your Designs And ColorsThe Intricate Psychology Behind Your Designs And Colors

The Intricate Psychology Behind Your Designs And Colors

There is far more to a design than creating a pretty picture and using suitable colors. In fact, every color,…

7 years ago

What The Social Media Smiley Face Emoticon Really Means [Infographic]

I remember several years ago I wrote an article about the LOL On Twitter. Back then, LOLs were rampant in…

11 years ago

Technically Speaking: Updated Meanings Of Common Words [Infographic]

It can't be easy jumping onto the Internet if you've never used it before. Today there are more words with…

12 years ago

The Impact Of Choosing The Right Logo Color [Infographic]

When you come up with an idea or concept that you think could become successful, the last thing you probably…

12 years ago

10 Commonly Misunderstood Words In English [Infographic]

Every language has its share of tricky words that we all have trouble explaining correctly. The Eskimos (or the Inuits…

12 years ago

How Not To Waste Your Life [Infographic]

Life is such a slippery word. Before you know it, you are halfway through it, and you start thinking about…

12 years ago

Why The Web’s Most Popular Color Is Blue [Infographic]

We have touched on the topic of Internet colors before. In most of those articles, we took a closer look…

12 years ago

How To Be Assertive!

Do you get what you want? Do you have control over your life? There is I think a fine line…

15 years ago