
How Technology Affects What And Where We Eat [Infographic]

Technology affects almost every aspect of our lives. It even influences the most mundane decisions like what and where we…

11 years ago

Smartglasses Translate Menu Written In Foreign Language As You Read It

It looks like Google Glass is about to have even more competition. We've all read about augmented reality apps that…

11 years ago

Fried Eggs Font: Handmade Font Inspired By Your Breakfast This Morning

I remember back in the old days when fonts were boring and simple. They pretty much all looked the same,…

12 years ago

World’s Largest Piece Of Sushi On A Restaurant Menu

I love sushi. I could eat it everyday. It's right up there with chicken wings in my book, which are…

13 years ago

Restaurant Menus Recreated To Be Honest [Humor]

Are you a fan of restaurant chains? I'm not. Every now and then I get a Waffle House attack, and…

14 years ago

Luxurious Life: 10 Foods & Drinks Made With Real Gold

According to the magazines, the food craze right now is all about adding edible gold to our foods and drinks.…

14 years ago

The New Pop Tarts World Features Pop Tart Sushi!

Yesterday I wrote an article about some very creative, mouth-watering pop tarts on a stick. After that article published, one…

14 years ago

Star Wars Artist Gets Married – What’s Wrong With The Cake?

When the "thinkers" behind the Star Wars brand get cookin' you are most likely to see something futuristic and awesome.…

15 years ago

In Stores In September: Transformers Gundam Cell Phone

Mobile phones come in all sizes and shapes and companies try to dazzle us with their features, as well as…

15 years ago

Charming Illustrated Recipes – The New Cooking Trend!

I love to cook, and I have a ton of cookbooks. I tend to use my own cookbook the most…

15 years ago

LightLeaf: Revolutionary Paper Thin Light Source

Reading books isn't something my schedule allows, but I always have a good one with me for long travels or…

15 years ago