
How To: Use Spotify To Market Your Brand

If you love music, you have probably heard of Spotify by now. Spotify is an app you can use on…

12 years ago

Plasma Speakers: Play Music Through Particle Laser Beams

When we think of plasma, we think of some kind of laser that generates a heat many million times over…

12 years ago

Time To Get Retro: Compact Discs & How They Affected Our Lives

In case you missed it, the 30th anniversary of the first compact disc sale was on October 1st. The CD…

12 years ago

Music Hat Makes Winter Exercising A Cozy Endeavor

We have written about the health risks of sitting in front of the computer too long here at Bit Rebels…

12 years ago

Cute Crocheted Headphones Make Sure You Stay Unique

There are boatloads of different headphones and earphones on the market. Each one has its own set of features, balances…

12 years ago

Jabra Solemate Portable Bluetooth Speaker: A Poolside Review

When the Jabra Solemate first arrived, I was intrigued at how such a small, if ultra-cool, device could produce the…

12 years ago

Gotye’s Own Montage Of Somebody That I Used To Know [Video]

Sometimes a song reaches cult status, and people start to make their own covers and parodies of it. That usually…

12 years ago

Creative Portraits Carefully Created By Using CDs

When a creative mind gets going, it's hard to stop it, and that is evident in these creative portraits. Creativity…

12 years ago

Retro Record Player Lets You Convert Old Vinyls To Your iPad

The chance that some of you awesome people have all your vinyl records stored somewhere is quite big. That's not…

12 years ago

Brandy Keg Stereo For Recycling iPhone Pirates

Almost everything can be recycled, or at least that is how we look at it here at Bit Rebels. But…

12 years ago

TRON Custom Guitar Build Is A Lightshow In Itself

It is amazing what people create to make a stage show a lot more intriguing. All we have to do…

12 years ago

The Evolution Of 8-Bit Graphics & Music [Video]

If you have followed the indieĀ gaming scene closely for the last couple of years, you might have noticed how games…

12 years ago

The Board Of Education Schools Star Wars With A New Song

A new song hit the airwaves recently that caught my attention. I personally stumbled onto it while listening to the…

13 years ago

Your T-Shirt Is Alive: Augmented Reality Embedded Into Clothes

Augmented reality is coming to a to a t-shirt near you...and very soon! Dartmouth, Nova Scotia-based Ad-Dispatch has developed an…

13 years ago

Facebook’s Theme Song Shows Us Just How Crazy We Are

In the beginning, there will be a tsunami of people who will invest in Facebook when the IPO is launched.…

13 years ago