
5 Ways Creative Writing Makes Students More Productive And Motivated

Creative writing is a craft of using language in original and bold ways. It is considered to be any writing,…

7 years ago

The 3D Printed Ultimate Sticky Note Holder Is A Charming Little Design

Sticky notes make me happy. Sure, we can take notes on our smartphones, but where is the fun in that?…

11 years ago

Time Travel Communications Found Hidden In A Coffee Shop

If you've ever left a time capsule for future generations to find, you know how much fun it is. It's…

12 years ago

Less Meeting App Will Change How You Conduct Business Meetings Forever

Most people I know don't like business meetings. Meetings seem to waste a lot of time and can kill productivity…

12 years ago

Snail Mail App Lets You Send Handwritten Notes Straight From Your iPad

When was the last time you received a piece of handwritten snail mail from a friend? In the technology world…

12 years ago

Creative Post-It Notes Now As Nintendo NES Cartridges

There are few things in the world that have greatly impacted our lives and yet been such an easy concept.…

12 years ago

Simple Recycling Turns Old Floppy Disks Into Retro Notepads

When it comes to recycling, we here at Bit Rebels have always had an eye out for the geeky stuff.…

12 years ago

TabStrummer Lets You Rock Out With Key Strokes

Is there anything cooler than technological innovation? I guess there is, but it so happens that without it, we wouldn't…

13 years ago

World’s Largest Post-It Stop Motion Uses 350,000 Notes

I promise you that if anyone were to ask you how many Post-It notes you had used throughout your life,…

14 years ago

Post-It Revolution: Stop Wasting, Start Ripping

Ever since Post-It notes where introduced, there have been plenty of redesigns and ideas for how to actually increase the…

14 years ago

Geeky Ways To Write Messages!

Have you noticed that everyone seems to be very busy all the time, like 24 hours in a day is…

15 years ago

We Are All Connected And Have Kindred Spirits!

Losing a loved one is very hard physically and emotionally. It can really make you wonder, "What now?" So many…

15 years ago

Piano Gloves – Play The Piano Without A Piano!

Creativity is so powerful. When a person is able to tap into that place inside of them, that place where…

15 years ago

Apple iRead – The 21st Century Bookmark

How many times have you been typing notes into your MacBook or iPad and had a reference book open on…

15 years ago

Livescribe – Now You Don’t Need to Miss a Word!

When we are in meetings and need to take notes, some people prefer to just type it straight into their…

15 years ago