
How The Facebook Ping Notification Noise Was Designed & Developed

I'm one of the few people I know who actually likes the Facebook ping notification sound. Sure, it's a distraction…

12 years ago

Now You Can Message Scents With The iPhone Scent Spray Accessory

If you think about it, is there any accessory that you feel is missing for a smartphone? I'm of course…

12 years ago

Android Driven Oven Lets You Control It From Your Smartphone

As we have concluded before, smartphones will soon control pretty much all of our everyday gadgets. Everything will get its…

12 years ago

LED iPhone 5 Case Displays Pixelated Messages On Its Back

Time for another case? Yup, I would have to answer yes to that question. However, this time around it's not…

12 years ago

Cyrcle: Customize Your Online Experience With Desktop Notifications

Our online experience is an always changing form of interaction. Much of that is thanks to the continuous morphing content…

12 years ago

Sparx: LED Flash Notifications iPhone 5 Case

Back in the day, when for the first time we could turn off the sound on our cell phones and…

12 years ago