Two Computers In One: The Value In Installing Windows On Your Mac

The prevailing wisdom is that Macs cost more than Windows PCs. Looking strictly at costs in the store, you would…

12 years ago

USB Wipe Card Helps To Recycle & Pass Your Computer Forward

The world is getting ever more polluted. Most of us are trying to help by recycling what we can and…

12 years ago

Facebook Smartphone: This Is What It Will Look Like

As most of you know, Facebook has been rumored to be working on a Facebook smartphone. Their own phone would…

12 years ago

The Complete Android History Timeline [Infographic]

I can't say that I am very knowledgeable when it comes to the Android market or the things around it…

13 years ago

Steampunk Mac Uses A 140 Year Old Typewriter

There is a kind of magic in checking out all the steampunk stuff on the Internet. I don't know what…

13 years ago

Nokia Is Alive & Kickin: Achievements In Mobile Technology

When I read last week that Nokia had settled its lawsuit with Apple, I was shocked at the amount of…

14 years ago

The PC Mod That Is Sexier Than A Mac

We all know that two of Apple's most famous catch phrases are "sexy" and "insanely great," which they pretty much…

14 years ago

Mac People vs. PC People [Infographic]

It's an epic battle really, the competition between Mac and PC owners. It's been going on ever since the two…

14 years ago

A Card Deck Made With 52 iPhones

Can you believe it? Somebody created a full deck of cards made from 52 iPhones! Maybe not, but it wouldn't…

14 years ago

HTC: Are Multiple Smartphone OS’s A Dream Or Could They Be Real?

We have touched the subject before here at Bit Rebels. It's a utopia that I think most people would love…

14 years ago

HTC HDD: First Cell Phone With Multiple OSes!

It's anyone's guess who will take the leading market share when it comes to iPhone, Android or any of the…

14 years ago

Hackintosh: Creative Mac Pro Build In A Cardboard Box!

So what would you do if you wanted to run a high-end video card that could handle the demands of…

14 years ago

Eat This iPhone: Android Can Hold Its Own After All!

I have an Android phone. Sometimes it feels like I'm on an island because everywhere I turn, I'm surrounded by…

14 years ago

Is Physics The Next Big Thing For Tablet User Interfaces?

I must say that in the past couple of weeks, I have seen more astonishing things when it comes to…

14 years ago

Flash On iPhone: Here’s The Proof Steve Jobs Is Wrong

There has been a lot of media coverage about whether or not the iPhone and iPad should ever use Flash.…

15 years ago