
London’s Largest Living Wall Is Also A Sustainable Drainage System

There have been quite a few vertical forests and gardens that have made it into the news over the past…

12 years ago

Futuristic Look At Semi-Photosynthetic Humans Growing Food With Light

It's no secret that in the future we are going to have to change the way we fuel our bodies.…

12 years ago

These Robot Plants Can Learn How To Grow Just Like Your Real Plants

The future of robotics is fascinating but creepy. Robots can be programmed to 'feel emotions' (or at least look like…

12 years ago

Glowing Plants Set To Replace Our Currently Inefficient Light Sources

I tend to get all up into things that will change the future for the better. When it comes to…

12 years ago

Spunky Urban Wall Garden Created From Recycled Plastic Soda Bottles

You don't have to spend a lot of money to create a stunning garden outside your home. There are all…

12 years ago

Grow A High Tech Vegetable Garden Right In Your Kitchen

Back in 2010, I wrote an article about a new technology that would allow vegetables to grow in a vending…

12 years ago

Flower Art: Dainty Flower Girls Made From Pieces Of Plants & Flowers

The moment I saw these adorable flower girls, which each have a name, I knew I had to share them…

12 years ago

Leaf Carvings: Cars, Trucks & Airplanes Cut Into Leaves

There's been a lot of leaf carvings featured around the Internet over the past few months. When I first started…

13 years ago

Leafsnap App: It Would Make Darwin Drool

Categorizing and classifying: these are the sorts of things that taxonomists are good at. While the rest of us may…

13 years ago

Botanical Beauties: Stilettos, Wedges & Pumps Made From Flowers

I must confess, once in a while, I buy my shoes online. As much as I love the experience of…

13 years ago

DIY Mini Gardens That Grow Inside Your Favorite Seashells

These shells remind me of the little hermit crab that lived in a shell that I brought home from the…

13 years ago

The World’s First Vertical Forest: An Architectural Beauty

I'd like to introduce you to the world's first Bosco Verticale (Italian for Vertical Forest), which is being built right…

13 years ago

Fascinating Tree Bark From Around The World

Trees are truly one of Mother Nature's many miracles. If you do a quick Google search for tree facts, you'll…

14 years ago

Plants vs Zombies plus Zombatar – Halloween Avatar on Twitter

One thing I love to do is play casual games. My brother knows this and asked me to try out…

15 years ago

Grow your own: Peppers!

There is a rebirth of home grown produce that is spreading across the UK... people are really digging into (get…

16 years ago