
The United States of Awesome and Shame [Infographic]

If you live in the United States like I do, you know that some states do things more or less…

14 years ago

National Geographic: The World’s Population & Our Planet

Did you know that in 2011, the world's population will reach 7 billion people? Did you also know that if…

14 years ago

Worldometers: World Statistics Updated In Real Time!

To my co-workers annoyance sometimes, I am an incurable statistics fanatic. Everything I do is presented in statistics in order…

14 years ago

Do Your Part and Recycle: Fashion Inspiration

The world's population is getting larger everyday. Everyone knows what that means right? It means our resources are also depleting.…

14 years ago

Could You Live In This Space? – Architectural Inspiration

Yesterday I wrote an article about a woman that has downsized her life to the point that she is living…

14 years ago