
5 Tips To Manage Your Growing Book Collection Better

If you love reading, you are bound to have a big collection of books. You might either have a small…

7 years ago

Edgar Allan Poe Turns 208 And We Celebrate That With iPoe

Edgar Allan Poe is woven into the very fabric of western culture, and even those who have not read him,…

8 years ago

Smartglasses Translate Menu Written In Foreign Language As You Read It

It looks like Google Glass is about to have even more competition. We've all read about augmented reality apps that…

11 years ago

7 Ways To Know That You Are A Fast Learner [Chart]

Several people I know put on their resumes that they're fast learners. I saw another resume today with that on…

11 years ago

Teachers Can Use Digital Reading Tracker To Check Your Study Habits

I remember taking those dreadful literature classes at university where the instructor required us to read huge books and participate…

11 years ago

12 Bloggers & Authors Doodle Writing Advice On Their Hands [12 Pics]

We publish a lot of content here on Bit Rebels. We spend several hours writing everyday, 365 days a year.…

11 years ago

Creative Art Made From Manipulating The Pages Of Books [12 Pics]

There is nothing I love doing more than diving into a good book. From historical expeditions to fictional stories, I…

12 years ago

You Knew This Was Coming…First Bookless Library Lends E-Books

Although this will be sad for some people since it signifies another nail in the coffin for traditional books, I'm…

12 years ago

The 50 Best Books For Teachers And Parents To Read [Infographic]

Wow, it's been a while since I've seen a list of books published. Even though I'm sure all these books…

12 years ago

Printed Magazine Creates An Augmented Reality Experience

I never thought reading a printed magazine would lead me to writing about augmented reality. Right before I went on…

12 years ago

Book Mountain: You’ve Never Seen A Library Like This Before

In a world where traditional libraries are becoming less a part of our culture and more a part of our…

12 years ago

Matchbook: Swimwear That Matches Your Favorite Book

If you have ever gone to the beach with an agenda to relax with a good book, you know that…

12 years ago

Helping Hand Rebranding To Help Underprivileged Children Read

I am writing about this because I personally like the mission of the Reading Is Fundamental organization. It also hit…

12 years ago

Goodreads: The Social Network For Readers & Writers Alike

Goodreads, the social networking site for authors and readers that lets you rate and review books as you read them,…

12 years ago

Abraham Lincoln Tribute: Tower Created With 15,000 Books About Him

This year, here in the States, February 20th is President's Day. For the most part, it's one of those holidays…

13 years ago