
Uniqul System Enables Store Purchases With Facial Recognition Only

I am blown away by the advancements in technology, and where they have taken us in the last couple years.…

12 years ago

Camera Glasses Could Completely Change The Lives Of Visually Impaired

As we all know, technology enables a lot of innovation. When it comes to finding new ways to help impaired…

12 years ago

Virtual Therapist Knows Exactly How You Feel [Video]

Do you remember the virtual reality boom back in the early '90s? People said we would all be working in…

12 years ago

The Vending Machine That Rewards A Smile!

Vending machines make it really convenient for us to buy what we need instantly. Vending machines usually carry cigarettes, soft…

14 years ago

The World’s Most Secure Safe… For Watches!

As some of you know, I am a watch fanatic. Since they are one of the few jewelry accessories a…

15 years ago

You Think Your Password Is Private? Think Again.

The Georgia Institute of Technology, a school only a few miles away from me, revealed some interesting results from their…

15 years ago

The World’s Most Advanced Display – Angle Oriented

When we've surpassed the cool gadgets imagined in movies like Minority Report and iRobot, we know we've come a long…

15 years ago

How To: Speed Read – The Complete Guide

Usually when we humans gather information, we do it by reading it. Sounds and pictures are of course another way…

15 years ago