
How To Stay Safe On Facebook & Other Social Networking Sites!

I know people have different reasons for joining Twitter, FaceBook,,, Flickr, Foursquare, etc... My main reason for joining…

14 years ago

Bike Garden: Try Stealing These Bikes!

I seem to have started all my articles with a question lately, and that's really not intentional. It's more of…

14 years ago

Buckle Up: Keep Track Of Your Keys The Geek Way!

Recycling is a subject close to the heart for many people. Not only is it fun, but it will also…

14 years ago

Use Words Instead of Numbers for Your Lock Combination!

Locks are great, they help us feel secure in knowing that our possessions are safe. When we go to gym,…

14 years ago

Pepper Spray Ring: Keeps You Safe On Your Way Home!

There is a saying that goes "You can never be too safe!" and I tend to agree with that. The…

14 years ago

Creative Use of LED on a Cyclist’s Backpack

With the rise in gasoline prices and people wanting to save money, more and more are riding their bikes to…

14 years ago

Digital Paper Alarm Clock: The Edge Of 100% Recyclability!

Have you ever looked at a carton of eggs and wondered exactly how environmentally friendly that box is? Me neither…

15 years ago

Total Plug Safety: Keeps Geeks and Children Safe

This little invention makes me giggle because I think it's perfect for geeks and the children of geeks. If you…

15 years ago

The World’s Most Secure Safe… For Watches!

As some of you know, I am a watch fanatic. Since they are one of the few jewelry accessories a…

15 years ago

Future Stroller: Babies Roll Majestically In Style

Our children are the most valuable resource the world has. They are the ones that will have to pick up…

15 years ago

Nanotech Tea Bag Provides Drinking Water For Less Than A Penny

A huge breakthrough has been made to create safe drinking water from polluted water sources around the world. It's a…

15 years ago

Here’s The First Social Networking Robot!

Once again, the Japanese people are way ahead of us all. Just when we thought we had caught up with…

15 years ago