
Scientists Accidentally Created The World’s Thinnest Glass

Some of the world's most life-changing inventions were created by accident. Amongst other things, this includes Penicillin, the Pacemaker, Post-It…

11 years ago

Total Recall Here We Come: Scientists Can Now Erase Bad Memories

With all the hubbub about gadgets being released constantly, it's easy to get distracted and miss some of the other…

11 years ago

How Creative People In History Have Inspired Each Other [Chart]

It would be an understatement for me to say that I'm surrounded by creative people. It would be more accurate…

11 years ago

Microscopic Bugs 3D Printed In Titanium So They Become Giant Bugs

People are 3D printing everything these days, and I do mean everything. This includes body parts, food, incredible replicas, machine…

12 years ago

Mood-Detecting Smartphone Apps Help Psychologists Diagnose Patients

Over the past few days, I've read about a couple of smartphone apps and computer programs that are smart enough…

12 years ago

3D Printed Ears That Look, Feel & Function Just Like Normal Human Ears

I've never seen a technology become so quickly incorporated into our lives to help so many people as 3D printing.…

12 years ago

3D Printed Embryonic Stem Cell Clusters Will Change Lives

When I think of 3D printing, I normally think of fun gadgets that make our lives even geekier. There are…

12 years ago

Christmas Trees Created In A Petri Dish With Festive Fungi

Ahh…There is nothing like a Christmas tree design created with bacteria and other microorganisms in a petri dish. If I…

12 years ago

Grooving Graduates: The Dance Your PhD Contest

I went to graduate school. It was a great experience. I learned a lot. I experienced the world. However, I…

13 years ago

The Highest Resolution Photograph Of The Moon Ever Taken

Whoa! I've never seen the moon look like this before! I always thought it was just a big boring blurry…

13 years ago

Childhood Pictures Of Our Favorite Historical Scientists

This sounds like an old person thing to say, but life is really short. We all want to leave our…

13 years ago