
IceBreak For Couples App: Making Up Just Got Easier

Ladies, you know how sometimes we say stupid stuff to the men in our lives, and they get annoyed with…

13 years ago

Angry Birds Are Like Your Sex Life [Chart]

Is there really a connection between Angry Birds and sex? Hmm... Let's think about that for a second. They are…

14 years ago

Twitter’s Effect On Offline Relationship Longevity

If you are a Twitter addict like me, you are used to being judged, right? People in our offline worlds…

14 years ago

Have Sex With A Guy With A Mustache Day

Asylum and The American Mustache Institute have officially declared November 18th a new holiday called "Have Sex With A Guy…

14 years ago

Condoms For Gaming Geeks

Oh my gosh, I can't stop laughing. Can you just imagine if you were getting hot and heavy with a…

15 years ago
The Abstinence Project – An Edgy Teen Pregnancy CampaignThe Abstinence Project – An Edgy Teen Pregnancy Campaign

The Abstinence Project – An Edgy Teen Pregnancy Campaign

We are all aware of the teen pregnancy problem. Here in the States, it is around 30%, which to me,…

15 years ago

For A Better Marriage – The Fart Absorbing Blanket

Everyone knows that once your spouse starts freely letting the silent and deadly ones go in the night, the marriage…

15 years ago

A Guide To Healthy Sleep!

Do you often feel fatigued and like you are lacking in energy? Some people can get away with sleeping for…

15 years ago

Provocative Lego Ads – The Ads You Don’t Want Your Kids To See

There have been a bunch of Lego ads through the company's lifetime and each one is more creative than the…

15 years ago

Twitter shares sex habits!

How many of you are actually keeping the most private and personal information off Twitter? Today when everything is so…

15 years ago

Bedroom Secrets Revealed

Today I learned that there are a lot of women that cry during sex. Of course, since I’m a big…

15 years ago

The Power of Temptation

We all know what it’s like to be tempted, and we each have our own threshold for self-control. Whether it's…

15 years ago