
3 Ways That CBD Oil Can Significantly Improve Your Life

Suffering from pain, whether mental or physical, can be extremely debilitating on our lives. You may be in this position,…

8 years ago
How To Retouch Shiny Skin In Photoshop (And Keep It Looking Natural)How To Retouch Shiny Skin In Photoshop (And Keep It Looking Natural)

How To Retouch Shiny Skin In Photoshop (And Keep It Looking Natural)

On most of the photo retouch apps I've seen, there is an option to correct shiny skin. Whether it's funky…

11 years ago

The High Tech Tattoo-Like Patch That Can Check Your Body Temperature

When I was a kid, I used to hate having my temperature taken. I would always gag when my mother…

11 years ago
New Tech Combines Biometric Data & Visual Cues To Pinpoint EmotionsNew Tech Combines Biometric Data & Visual Cues To Pinpoint Emotions

New Tech Combines Biometric Data & Visual Cues To Pinpoint Emotions

Lifelogging has gotten popular over the past few years, and although I've never seen people walking around with a lifelogging…

12 years ago

Software Can Figure Out Your First Name Based On Specific Variables

Have you ever thought about how you got your first name? You might think it was a random name that…

12 years ago

10 Amazing Photo Realistic Skin Illustrations

The art of tattoos is becoming ever more intricate and lifelike, and it's only a matter of time before we…

13 years ago

Ultimate Mega Tattoos That Kidnap Your Attention

We write a lot about design here at Bit Rebels, but I feel like sometimes we neglect one huge area…

13 years ago

12 Most Unbelievable Ripped Skin Tattoos

There are a ton of different designs you can choose from when you set out to get a tattoo. Why…

13 years ago

Human Body Stilettos: Every Woman’s Dream?

If you think about it, the human race is quite a weird species. Just look at everything we have accomplished…

13 years ago

Titanic Tattoo Masterpiece: The Story Creatively Recreated On Skin

There are certain things in life that show our age, and I'm not talking about the smile lines on our…

14 years ago

11 Intriguingly Awesome Cartoon Tattoo Illustrations

Once again we visit the realm of tattoos. Whenever we go there, one thing is for sure, it won't be…

14 years ago

Retro Tattoos Dedicate Skin To Pac-Man

Everyone who has been following me lately on Facebook has seen a picture of me getting a new tattoo. I…

14 years ago

The Ham iPhone: In Case Constant Calling Is Making You Hungry

I must say that sometimes finding new and cool cases and skins for the iPhone certainly makes me all giddy.…

14 years ago

Be A Rebel: Get A Recycled Skateboard iPhone Case

We here at Bit Rebels love recycled things. Not only is it the way of the future, but it's also…

14 years ago

UN01: The Best Looking iPhone Case For Photographers

There are a lot of skins, cases and accessories for the iPhone.  It doesn't matter if you want it for…

14 years ago