star wars

This Darth Vader Grill Can Add A Spark To Any Barbecue Party

Sunny days and cloudless skies are perfect for a barbecue party, but if you wish to truly impress your guests,…

7 years ago

The Star Wars LEGO Advent Calendar That We Have All Been Waiting For

Everyone who knows me knows that I am a huge Star Wars fan. We have probably published over five hundred…

8 years ago

Behold The Portable Smartphone Star Wars Lightsaber Battery Charger

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens up for release in December this year, there are a lot of people that…

10 years ago

This Will Keep You Busy At Work: Fold A Millennium Falcon Origami Ship

People who are good at origami are like magicians to me. I've made a couple basic origami designs, but for…

11 years ago

101 Geeky Movie And TV Characters Hand Painted As Mini Sloths [Chart]

So there you are, sitting at your desk, and you need something brainlessly entertaining to look at until your next…

11 years ago

Han Solo In Carbonite Was Found On Planet Mercury (Not Surprising)

It's not surprising that Han Solo was found encased in carbonite on planet Mercury. I mean, we see people and…

11 years ago

DIY Star Wars Landspeeder…For When You Want To Scoot Around In Style

If I could choose a fictional vehicle to drive IRL, a landspeeder would be my number 6 choice. It would…

11 years ago

World’s Largest Collection Of Star Wars Memorabilia Has 300,000 Pieces

Star Wars fans can rejoice...and drool over this massive amount of Star Wars memorabilia. There are over 300,000 pieces in…

11 years ago

15 Famous Swords Every Geek Should Recognize

There have been many geek trivia tests presented over the years. We've written about a few of them here on…

11 years ago

The R2-D2 & C-3PO Friendship Necklace For Geeky Besties

Now that I've seen this friendship necklace, I'll never look twice at those other ones that are just regular hearts.…

11 years ago

4 Star Wars Liquor Bottles Created In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

We've featured a lot of creative bottle designs over the years here on Bit Rebels. Some of them are elegant,…

11 years ago

Star Wars Printable Masks Let Your Kiddies Probe The Galaxy In Style

We always joke in our Bit Rebels articles that in order to raise the next generation of Star Wars fans…

11 years ago

Team Of Fans Build Very Realistic Half-Scale Tie Fighter Replica

Fans are starting to get really excited about the upcoming Star Wars movies, so much so that there is a…

11 years ago

Make Your Own Levitating Death Star Desk Toy For Your Office

There you are, sitting at your desk, trying to find the inspiration and creativity required to finish up that client…

11 years ago

Star Wars Written In Shakespeare Style Complete With Iambic Pentameter

There are hundreds if not thousands of well-done Star Wars mashups to be found online, but this is the first…

11 years ago