Doctor Who Science Fiction Fans: Travel Through Time [Infographic]

It's hard to believe there have been 792 total episodes of Doctor Who between 1963 and 2013. Of course, it…

12 years ago

Doctor Who: The Clock Strikes Twelve As The Newest Doctor Is Announced

As of Sunday August 4, 2013, the clock struck twelve for the Doctor. Peter Capaldi was announced as the actor…

12 years ago

DIY TARDIS Police Box Fridge Turns Your Kitchen Into A Geek’s Paradise

Can you imagine how awesome it would be to turn your refrigerator into a real TARDIS? It could be your…

12 years ago

11 Wedding Favors That Will Add Some Geekiness To Your Special Day

Are you a TGB? If you’re reading this article about geeky wedding favors, you probably are, even if you haven’t…

12 years ago

Calling All Humanoid Aliens: This Is The Officially Licensed TARDIS PC

Calling all humanoid aliens…Get ready to encounter a brand new computing experience, and no, you don't need to travel to…

12 years ago

10 Houses With Intriguing Secret Rooms & Passageways

I don't know about you, but I love houses that have secret rooms and passageways. I don't see many new…

12 years ago

DIY Doctor Who “Crack In The Universe” For Your Own Wall

I'm a huge fan of the Doctor, and I've incorporated a TARDIS into many aspects of my life. My hand-painted…

12 years ago

25 Inspiring Gingerbread Creations To Put You In The Holiday Spirit

If you want to get in the holiday spirit, I hope this is the article you read today that will…

12 years ago

Knitted Converse Sneakers Let Your Inner Geek Come Out To Play

If you took all the geeky high heels, gamer shoes and Converse sneakers we've written about over the years and…

12 years ago

5 Creative Dresses For The Geek Goddess In You

Summer is gone for the year for most of us, but for others, it's just beginning. There's even some lucky…

12 years ago

Doctor Who TARDIS Inspired iPhone Charging Station

Oh my gosh, how cute is this? Now you can make your very own little Doctor Who TARDIS inspired iPhone…

13 years ago

Transform Your Boring House Key Into A Geeky TARDIS Key

How do you tell which keys are which on your key ring? Are you one of those people who fumbles…

13 years ago

DIY Kitty TARDIS Playhouse For Cats Who Love The Doctor

I am one of those people who believes everyone should have their own TARDIS. I remember sitting in my closet…

13 years ago

Where’s Waldo: Star Wars, Batman, TARDIS, Spock & Lego Man Style

I think one reason why Where's Waldo has stayed popular for so many years is because it's one of the…

13 years ago

DIY TARDIS: Because Every Woman Needs Her Own TARDIS

When I saw this creative build, I instantly fell in love with it. SillySparrowness is soooo right when she says,…

13 years ago