Tie Fighter

Team Of Fans Build Very Realistic Half-Scale Tie Fighter Replica

Fans are starting to get really excited about the upcoming Star Wars movies, so much so that there is a…

12 years ago

This Darth Vader TIE Fighter Wheelchair Kid Will Melt Your Geeky Heart

The moment I saw this, I knew I had to share it with you. Out of all the Star Wars…

12 years ago

Death Star & Tie Fighter Tea Ball For Star Wars Tea Fanatics

Most people know that I am a heavy tea drinker. I basically live on the stuff. I think my addiction…

13 years ago

Inside Look At Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter Cockpit

There are a lot of fans of Star Wars out there who continuously try to squeeze the last drop of…

13 years ago

Skillful Steampunk Lego Star Wars Spaceships

Over the years here at Bit Rebels, we have seen quite a few steampunk creations that thrilled us. It is…

13 years ago

The Fuzzy Side Of The Force: Needle Felted Star Wars Ornaments

If you are a fan of soft fuzzy holiday ornaments and Star Wars, you are going to love these little…

13 years ago

Cardboard Star Wars: Homemade AT-AT & Millennium Falcon

What would you do if you were kid, you just got home from school, it's raining outside, and all your…

14 years ago

Retro Nintendo 64 Star Wars Tie Fighter Game Console

Since we love retro video games, we often write about them on Bit Rebels. My very first memory of playing…

14 years ago

Jedi Kittens: The Battle Continues [Part 2]

Some of you people might remember an article I wrote not too long ago with the Jedi Cats that sported…

14 years ago