time management

How To Strike A Good Work-Life Balance In A Fast-Moving World

Do you often find that you are the last one in the office, working late (again) when others seem to…

7 years ago

10 Ways You Can Squeeze Time For Yourself When You Are Flat Out Busy

If you are someone who is super busy at all times of the day and you don’t feel like you…

7 years ago

25 Customer Service Skills Every Company Should Require [Infographic]

When was the last time you talked to a customer service rep who was friendly and helpful? There are people…

11 years ago

Smart Bedding Innovation: Never Waste Time Making Your Bed Again

Do you waste a lot of time each morning making your bed like your mama taught you? Or, are you…

11 years ago

How To Work Smarter & Become More Productive During Your Workday

Productivity. There are loads of articles on the web that outline various productivity tips and give advice on how to…

12 years ago

Save Time: 7 Simple Steps To Online Efficiency [Infographic]

With as much as we all try to accomplish online these days, optimizing our tasks and workflow will not only…

12 years ago

The Enticing & Alluring Effects Of Social Media [Comic]

If you are a social media addict, you may wake up in the morning thinking, "It's not going to swallow…

12 years ago

10 Top Trends For 2013 In 2 Minutes [Video]

I remember at the end of 2011 when everyone was talking about the up-and-coming trends for 2012, and increased mobile…

12 years ago

What You Can Do With 10 Minutes Of Spare Time [Infographic]

What do you do with your spare time? Time is our most valuable asset. This becomes truer as our lives…

12 years ago

The Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions [Chart]

I know this chart wasn't originally created to be funny, but it's definitely a funny topic for me. I have…

13 years ago

TaskRabbit: The iPhone App That Runs Errands For You

Since I usually work 12 hours each day or more, I like my off-time to be quality-time spent with the…

13 years ago

How To: Tie Your Shoes Really Fast

It's true that our world is getting busier and busier each day. We want everything to be fast. We have…

14 years ago

A Practical Guide For Managing Time

People have always asked us here at Bit Rebels how we can do so many things and yet still be…

15 years ago

How To: Overcome the 3 Most Difficult Hurdles in Blogging

Blogging is fun. It is very rewarding in terms of having your thoughts, your ideas and your passions fueled. I…

15 years ago

How To: Incorporate Twitter Into Your Busy Life

We are all so busy these days. It is no surprise that so many people think they don’t have time…

15 years ago