time travel

Doctor Who Science Fiction Fans: Travel Through Time [Infographic]

It's hard to believe there have been 792 total episodes of Doctor Who between 1963 and 2013. Of course, it…

12 years ago

Time Travel Communications Found Hidden In A Coffee Shop

If you've ever left a time capsule for future generations to find, you know how much fun it is. It's…

12 years ago

Laptop Design Inspired By Star Trek Just For Trekkies

I'm not usually impressed by themed laptops since they usually seem gimmicky, but there is something about this one that…

12 years ago

Calling All Humanoid Aliens: This Is The Officially Licensed TARDIS PC

Calling all humanoid aliens…Get ready to encounter a brand new computing experience, and no, you don't need to travel to…

12 years ago

Loopy Over Looper & 5 Other Unforgettable Time Travel Films

Time travel films never disappoint. In recent news, we even found out that the concept of warp drive might actually…

12 years ago

How To: Make A Planetary Clock For Your Next Trip To Mars

I have written a lot of DIY articles on Bit Rebels, but I think this one has the most in-depth…

14 years ago

Back to the Future: The New Gaming Series!

I've always been interested in time travel, I've written about it before on Bit Rebels. When I was a little…

15 years ago

Travel To The Future | The First Time Machine

Like almost all great inventions, this one stems from the dream of a child. This is the story of a…

15 years ago