
Dad Uses His Helicopter To Remove His Son’s Loose Tooth

There are a lot of ways you could remove a loose tooth but for some, it has to be spectacular.…

9 years ago

Wi-Fi Enabled Tooth Sensor Knows If You Cheat On Your Diet

When you think about it, when it comes to addiction, many of our vices enter our bodies through our mouths…

11 years ago

The High Tech Way To Clean Toothbrushes With Ultraviolet Light

How do you keep your toothbrush clean between times when you brush your teeth? It's a legit question, and one…

12 years ago

Finally! A Cupcake Design That Looks Like A Tooth

I've been waiting for so long to see a decent tooth cupcake, and I'm excited to have finally found one!…

13 years ago

How To: Pull Out A Tooth With A Rocket

Here's somewhat of a really bad idea for a way to pull out a tooth. Believe it or not, this…

15 years ago

How To: Make Your Own Tattoo Gun Using An Electric Toothbrush!

A few years ago if you got a tattoo you were considered a bad boy of society. Nowadays it's as…

15 years ago

How To: Open A Beer With A Napkin

Beer is famous everywhere. People enjoy it cold, and it is served in clubs and at parties. I am not…

15 years ago