
Internet Browsing That Only Goes As Fast As You Run On Your Treadmill

We've all seen those desk/treadmill mods where you can work while slowly walking on the treadmill. It's a great way…

11 years ago

Virtual Environment Treadmill Is Our Next Gen Gaming Accessory

Now that virtual reality is once again on an incline, we are starting to see a whole lot of accessories…

12 years ago

Game-Changing Treadmill Goes Vertical With Treadwall

People who keep up their exercise have always inspired me. It's evidence that they know how to keep up their…

12 years ago

Comfortably Update Twitter & Facebook While You Exercise!

Oh hell yes! Let's face it, up until now; it's been hard to tweet while we are exercising, right? You…

14 years ago

Tread-Walk: Brilliant or Stupid Invention?

I really thought there wasn't going to be any more modding to the treadmill. Honestly, in my own little way,…

14 years ago

Star Wars Yoga – The Exercise for Geeks

This is so funny to me. I see people tweeting about yoga all the time. I've tried it before, but…

14 years ago

Wanna Get Skinny? – Just Use This Lip Balm

What?? If this is actually true, then I'm blown away. Go ahead, tell me that I'm being naive again because…

14 years ago

Now You Can Run Underwater!

Everyone wants to stay fit and the best way really is to exercise. So many of my friends have already…

15 years ago