
Star Wars Elevator Prank: Use The Force To Make Elevators Open

It's been a while since I posted a good prank, and this Star Wars elevator prank is priceless. This isn't…

12 years ago

Zero Gravity Family Album Photography For The Adventurer

The online photography community has somewhat painted themselves into a corner if I may put my humble opinion out there.…

13 years ago

How To: Unlock Your Car With A Shoelace

When I was attending University, my roommates and I often used our driver's licenses (or any plastic card that size)…

13 years ago

Let It Snow: Google’s Fun Little Trick Will Make You Smile

This is so much fun! The Internet was blowing up yesterday about this new Google Easter Egg, and if you…

13 years ago

Best Math Teacher Ever: Technology Tricks Using Live Action & Video

This guy gets the award for being the best math teacher ever. If all teachers were like this, kids wouldn't…

13 years ago

Brilliant Steampunk Trick Or Treat Buckets

Each Halloween there is one thing in particular that kids look forward to besides getting scared out of their socks…

13 years ago

Incredible Juggling: Guaranteed To Blow Your Mind

Every so often we publish something that is not related to all the other stuff we publish here on Bit…

14 years ago

Create An Origami Crane With Your Tongue

The talent the girl in this video has with her tongue definitely gets the WTF award of the day. One…

14 years ago

Money Art: The Awesome Nerdery Of Money Folding

If you have a couple of bucks left over after paying bills (not likely in today's economy but keep reading),…

14 years ago

How To: Make An Omelet Inside The Eggshell

What exactly is an omelet inside of an eggshell? As they describe on Evil Mad Scientist, "it's the culinary equivalent…

14 years ago

This Reversed Fountain Will Mess With Your Mind!

Traveling is a great way to see new things, things that you would normally only see on TV, the Internet…

14 years ago

Gooey Eyeballs and Bloody Brains Candy: Yum!

When we were kids, I remember we would wait patiently for Halloween to come. My parents would dress up in…

14 years ago

How To: Steal Your Friend’s Facebook Password!

Do you think that your passwords are safe from people's hacker fingers? Well, think again, cause there are ways to…

14 years ago

The $7,000 Arcade Bowling Game Is Here!

Game freaks are fanatic over the old arcade game cabinets that once graced the space in the school arcade halls.…

15 years ago

Is This Magic? The Balloon Penetrating Illusion

Do you like magic? Do you like watching illusionists play tricks with your eyes and your mind? My favorite illusion…

15 years ago