
Sharpie Art: Neighbors Decorate A Volkswagen Van With Black Sharpies

Why do people love to decorate cars with Sharpies? Is it because it creates graffiti-like art? Is it because it's…

12 years ago

Camera Van Is The Definition Of A Lens Hogger

What would you be prepared to do in order to be the center of attention? What would you allow yourself…

13 years ago

The Graf Mobile: Every Graffiti Artist’s Wet Dream

If I am not mistaken, we have touched on this subject before when it comes to graffiti artists. I think…

14 years ago

Mercedes Brabus iBusiness: The Most Technology Stuffed Car Ever

A while ago I wrote about the most Applified Mercedez Benz ever customized, and there were a lot of people…

14 years ago

Human Landscapes: If Your Skin Grows Moss And Cows

We've posted quite a lot of odd things here on Bit Rebels, and we're not about to stop anytime soon.…

15 years ago