
7 Great Tips For Designing The Perfect Vegan Wedding

Being vegan comes with its fair share of challenges, especially since most people don’t share your tastes. So, when you’re…

8 years ago

Sweet Meat: Ice Cream Desserts Made From Raw Meat

Uh oh... I already know my dear friend @VeganMeans is not going to like this post very much. When you…

14 years ago

Steampunk Animal Trophies: A Valuable Recycling Lesson

It's always strange to me whenever I see stuffed animal heads hanging on the wall in someone's home. I know…

14 years ago

Eat Your Clothes: Edible Fabric Made From Fruits & Vegetables

I know this concept may sound strange at first, but when you see the pictures below, you might change your…

14 years ago

Do You Really Know What Tofu Is? [Infographic]

I admit it. Tofu completely freaks me out. It's one of those bizarre foods that many people, including me, don't…

14 years ago

Decadent & Delicious Meat Photography

I love meat. I can eat any kind of meat, preferably rare, everyday. I know it's controversial and a lot…

14 years ago

New Study Finds That This Will Relax Your Man…

Lately I've been having a lot of fun reading some of the ridiculous studies that people publish on random topics…

14 years ago

WTH: Eat LIVE Crab From A Vending Machine

I admit, I like my food to have faces. I'm a meat eater all the way. After I wrote this…

14 years ago

Burgers Made With Killer Snakes – Nom Nom!

Here in the States, we've all seen the horrible pictures showing how some places prepare chicken wings, right? It's shocking…

15 years ago