
Nerd vs. Geek Epic Rap Battle Finally Sets The Record Straight [Video]

There have been countless debates about what distinguishes a geek from a nerd. I think it's silly really because true…

11 years ago

How To Help People Find Your Business On Facebook [Infographic]

When brands try to determine which social sites to use to develop their online presence, Facebook doesn't even have to…

11 years ago

The Reasons Why Kittens And Bacon Still Go Viral Online [Infographic]

I realized how popular kittens and bacon were online back in 2009. They weren't only popular on social media, but…

11 years ago

10 Rules For Making An Infographic Effective & Viral [Infographic]

We share a lot of infographics here on Bit Rebels. It's because we feel it's one of the most optimized…

11 years ago

This Darth Vader TIE Fighter Wheelchair Kid Will Melt Your Geeky Heart

The moment I saw this, I knew I had to share it with you. Out of all the Star Wars…

12 years ago

Lessons About Going Viral Learned From A Pin On Pinterest [Chart]

Going viral is always exciting. It was about three and a half years ago when my first article here on…

12 years ago

10,000 Computer Generated iPhone 5s Fall Like Dominoes [Video]

We've seen a lot of things fall like dominoes over the years, but this is a first for 10,000 iPhones.…

12 years ago

YouTube Sensations: Where Are They Now? [Infographic]

The stunning truth about YouTube is that it has become an entertainment outlet that could rival even the cinema -…

12 years ago

14 Ways To Get More Facebook Shares Today [Infographic]

Facebook continues to reign as the number one social media site for shares and engagement, and whether you like it…

12 years ago

8 Types Of Infographics & Which One To Use When [Infographic]

Whether you love them or hate them, infographics are still one of the most effective ways to present a lot…

12 years ago

How To Implement Good YouTube Ranking Factors [Infographic]

Social media has become the the most vital part of any promotion on the Internet. If you manage to get…

12 years ago

A Tribute To All The Creepy Mustaches In The World

Now that Movember is finally over, all the men around the world who grew awkwardly creepy mustaches in the name…

12 years ago

The World’s Longest English Word (It Takes Over 3 Hours To Say)

This smells like BS to me, but supposedly it's true, and I have to admit, it's definitely interesting. Have you…

12 years ago

The Year Of Video Content: 2012 Top 100 Brands In Social Video

Even though we're not at the end of 2012 yet, the year-end lists are starting to trickle out. This is…

12 years ago

6 Ways To Open A Beer Bottle Without A Bottle Opener

I remember a couple years ago when that video about how to open a beer bottle or a bottle of…

12 years ago