
Twitterholic Ladies: Elegant Hand Painted Satin Twitter Pumps

Now that we have all been thrust into social media, and we under its spell like a bunch of drones,…

13 years ago

Bridesmaid Comes To Wedding… On An iPad

Well, I guess that's one way to get the entire world to see your wedding video. When did buying an…

14 years ago

Toilet Paper Wedding Dresses For The Daring

I've always been under the impression that women like their weddings large and luxurious. I have come to reevaluate that…

14 years ago

Geek Style: Belt Buckles Made From Computer Mice

Yeah, I've officially seen it all now. Well, maybe not, but that's the first thought that came to my head…

14 years ago

Wedding Vending Machine: Get Hitched For A Buck

What could be better than getting your wedding rings, saying your vows and getting a marriage certificate all in less…

14 years ago

Foodies: Creative Hot Chocolate Cupcake Design

I don't know what it is about cupcakes, but we love them! I don't eat them very often, but I…

14 years ago

The Cost Of William & Kate’s Wedding [Infographics]

You can hardly go on the Internet today without being confronted with the royal wedding that took place yesterday. News…

14 years ago

Han Solo and Princess Leia’s Wedding Rings

Ok all you geek girls out there; have you ever wondered what Han Solo and Princess Leia's wedding rings might…

14 years ago

WTF: The William & Kate Commemorative Refrigerator

I don't really get into the royal wedding frenzy each time one of those events is about to happen. However,…

14 years ago

A Wedding In Cold Water: Would You Get Married Here?

When you spend all day surfing the Internet looking for interesting material, like I do, you come across some pretty…

14 years ago

Want A Unique Wedding? Say “I Do” In A Shark Tank!

I have an officemate  who is getting married next year. Today we were discussing the theme, and the things she…

14 years ago

Are You In Love? Prove It With A Rubber Stamp!

So, you are in love and you are ready to make it official. No, I didn't mean you are ready…

14 years ago

Woman Marries R2-D2 In Official Ceremony

This has got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever written about, but I just couldn't resist.…

15 years ago

Cool Down With Ice Cube Jewelry!

I've never been a big fan of diamond rings since almost every girl eventually gets one. I prefer to wear…

15 years ago

An Aluminum Can Romance With A Happy Ending!

I wrote an article about a zombie wedding a few days ago. It was interesting and fun, but I have…

15 years ago