
New Skateboard Concept Uses 8 Wheels To Take On StairsNew Skateboard Concept Uses 8 Wheels To Take On Stairs

New Skateboard Concept Uses 8 Wheels To Take On Stairs

The trendy skateboard has been one of the top hobby activities for kids for a long time now. If you…

12 years ago

Your Daily Cute: The Adorable Puppy With Bionic Front Legs

These days it seems like we are constantly reading and writing stories about how 3D printing and technology in general…

12 years ago

NES Controlled Etch A Sketch Pad Is Doubled Up Retro

As a kid, I had one of those Etch A Sketch toys that I frantically tried to master. It didn't…

13 years ago

1Hole: Original Multimedia Handheld That Shakes The Norm

I have never really bought into that whole iPod string of gadgets since I see no use in having a…

14 years ago

Tread-Walk: Brilliant or Stupid Invention?

I really thought there wasn't going to be any more modding to the treadmill. Honestly, in my own little way,…

14 years ago

17 Year Old Builds Remote Controlled Lawn Mower

Do you remember when you were 17 years old, and you had a bundle of ideas locked up inside your…

15 years ago

Apartment On Wheels: Smallest Living To Date!

It's like people actually are trying to fit their whole living space into a tiny box. By the looks of…

15 years ago
Steampunk Chain Smoking MachineSteampunk Chain Smoking Machine

Steampunk Chain Smoking Machine

Did you ever think about why you're smoking? Better yet, have you ever thought about how many times people have…

15 years ago

Portable Office – Haul Your Work Area Off To A Better Spot

Are you meticulously affected by the area around you while working like me? I sometimes move around the office just…

15 years ago

Here’s How You Can Simulate and Fly Like Iron Man!

How many of you started day dreaming about being able to fly just like Iron Man after you saw the…

15 years ago