
Creative LEGO Wedding Dress Is The Ultimate Geek Wedding Wear

It's summer, and there are a lot of people who have plans to get married. Geek weddings usually look a…

12 years ago

Sugar Lab’s Sweet 3D Printed Sculptures Made Entirely From Sugar

I read an article last week that said the materials used in 3D printing aren't quite keeping up with the…

12 years ago

Lounge On Fluffy Marshmallows: Creative Couch Design

After a long day of staring at the computer and working your butt off, wouldn't it be nice to melt…

12 years ago

Steve Jobs Tribute iPhone 4S Cases Now Available

It's now been a while since Steve Jobs had to unwillingly retire from his earthly domains. People around the world…

13 years ago

Mod World: White iPhone, Game Boy and HTC All Bundled!

The mod world just gets crazier and crazier by the minute. If it's not steampunk, it's a coffee table that…

14 years ago

Nano Block Camera: Better Specs Than Your Ordinary Camera!

Don't we all love photography in all its forms? It captures a moment in time and freezes it for our…

15 years ago

Playstation Coffee Table: The Only Way To Decorate As A Gamer

I covered another quite interesting coffee table not too long ago. That one was built from the interiors of a…

15 years ago

Photography: World’s Most Amazing Churches!

Since I have moved around a lot in my life, I have visited a lot of different churches. They all,…

15 years ago

Disposable Printer: Good Or Bad Idea?

In today's environmentally aware society, it seems everything is moving towards robust, long lasting and environmentally friendly products that can…

15 years ago

Interactive Shirts – The New Trend

As you all know by now, I am a t-shirt guy. I mean, really. I save them like they were…

15 years ago

40 Hour Doodles – These Are Not Photographs!

We have touched on the subject before here on Bit Rebels. Doodling is a common endeavor and is done on…

15 years ago

How To: Rasterbate An Image From Any Picture

Filling your walls with original art is one of the coolest little pastimes you can have to personalize your own…

15 years ago

Stunning Lexus: The Two Thousand And Future Model

With the world still recuperating from the economic collapse, it's not really on everyone's mind to buy the latest kind…

15 years ago

Glowing Sneakers | Fluorescent Colored Geekiness

I remember when I was in 3rd grade we used to have school discos where everyone enjoyed sodas and dance…

15 years ago