
The World’s Longest English Word (It Takes Over 3 Hours To Say)

This smells like BS to me, but supposedly it's true, and I have to admit, it's definitely interesting. Have you…

12 years ago

20 Pictures That Define The Word EPIC

People who know me are quite aware of the fact that I like to use the word "epic" when I…

13 years ago

Firebox Twitter Art: Let Your Tweets Make A Portrait

If you have been on Twitter for a little while, I am sure you have built up quite an archive…

13 years ago

Zombie Map: Now You Know Where They Are From [Data Map]

Many people keep asking themselves what they would do if the dead suddenly started rising. Alright, maybe not many people,…

13 years ago

How Frequently Each Letter Is Used On Your Keyboard

I am sure there is some kind of app or software out there that will help us keep track of…

14 years ago

How To: Develop A Super Memory!

As we get older, we often find that our memory isn't as sharp as it was when we were younger.…

14 years ago

We Definitely Abuse The Phrase “Hey Guys!”…

Hey guys! Have you ever thought about the words you use to say hello to your peeps and followers? Well,…

15 years ago

You thinks you is good at wordz eh?

That's right, the awesome joke in the title of this post gives the game away... There is a new addictive free iPhone…

15 years ago

#UFO | The New Trend Word of Twitter?

Having a great number of followers on Twitter is great, and I try and connect with as many as I…

15 years ago