
Zero Gravity Workstation Is Every Computer User’s Iron Throne

Spending long hours in front of your computer usually pokes the question whether you have the best possible setup or not.…

9 years ago

Ultimate Workstation For Designers (It Even Has Auto Coffee Dispenser)

There have been a lot of innovative workstations presented over the years. We've written about many of them. Some are…

11 years ago

Emperor: The $21,000 Ultimate Workstation For Ultra Geeks

They say that sitting down can kill you. It's a claim that could very well be true if you neglect…

12 years ago

The Evolution Of Your Workspace From 1995 – 2015 [Comic]

Richard wrote an article the other day about the differences between how men and women use the Internet. The statistic…

12 years ago

Multi-Purpose Chair For The Ultimate Geek

There comes a time in every geek's life when he or she dreams of a multi-purpose chair that will enable…

13 years ago

An Upright Piano Turned Into Epic Computer Case Mod

Creative people have always impressed and inspired me to push my own knowledge further. There is a kind of spark…

14 years ago

Apple Madness: The Dock That Holds ALL Your Apple Gadgets!

Would it be a false assumption to say that pretty much everyone in today's modern society at some point has…

15 years ago

Do You Hate Peepers? – Here’s How To Get Rid Of Them

I have to agree with this title 100% if I may be so bold. When I am on the computer,…

15 years ago

Screw Your Workstation – Get A Cockpit Style Workstation Instead

Are you tired of your bleak and ordinary workstation setup? Don't worry, you are not alone. Too many people keep…

15 years ago