
11 Buildings That Will Keep You Safe From A Zombie Attack

It seems like everyone is talking about them. We even watch every single movie about them. The game industry is…

14 years ago

Mario’s Best Friend Yoshi Is Now A Zombie!

I really like Yoshi. He's a precious little cutie, so when I saw this zombified version of him, it was…

14 years ago

Zombie Hoodie: Blend Right Into An Undead World

Not too long ago, every movie company in the world created a movie about zombies, the undead and what have…

14 years ago

Disturbing Art: Victorian Zombies With Severed Heads

I filed this under stuff that's completely twisted and disturbing yet interesting and intriguing. We've all seen these Victorian sculptures…

14 years ago

Halloween Gift Ideas To Thrill Any Geek!

When October comes, the first thing that comes to mind is Halloween! It may not be as big here in…

14 years ago

Dawn Of The Ted: If Zombies Could Ever Be Cute, This Is It!

It's the age of the zombie movies, and pretty much every movie company in the world wants a share of…

14 years ago

Experience Your Vampire Fantasies At The Vampire Cafe

It's 2am now. I sit here in the dark, writing this article, with all the doors and windows open even…

14 years ago

How To: Tell If Someone Is A Vampire

I admit, I'm a little fascinated with the whole concept of vampires. There is just something so bizarrely scary, sexy…

14 years ago

Don’t Want To Be A Ghoul? Be A Bumblebee Instead!

When Halloween comes, most people I know either pick to be a zombie or a vampire for their Halloween costume.…

14 years ago

Interactive Zombie Video – Can You Deliver Pizza Without Dying?

I wrote an article earlier today about vampire killing kits, so to balance things out, I will write a nice…

15 years ago

Protect Yourself Against Blood Suckers – Vampire Killing Kits

Maybe it's true. Maybe I'm going a little overboard with all the writing about vampires and zombies, but it's just…

15 years ago

These Super Mario Characters Are Zombies!

I totally dig the whole zombie/vampire culture. I think it's a lot of fun. I don't like it as much…

15 years ago

Here Is The Undead Side Of Super Mario!

There is no mistaking that vampires, zombies and undeads are a hot topic of the present. Pretty much every movie…

15 years ago

A Zombie Wedding – Blood Never Looked So Romantic!

When I wrote the article: Vampires vs. Zombies - Do You Know The Difference? several months ago, I was surprised…

15 years ago