4 Unorthodox Timepieces Designed To WOW Your Wrist

12 years ago

Watches are timeless treasures and classic timepieces. They have taken us through many decades, kept us on schedule, and let…

World’s Most Expensive LEGO Solid Gold Brick Now Up For Grabs

12 years ago

We have talked a great deal about LEGO throughout the years here at Bit Rebels. My own humble opinion when…

Wiki-Donations: Will You Donate To The New Encyclopedia?

12 years ago

While I was poking around online for stuff to write a post about, I searched the web for current social…

How Social Media Affects Your Travel Plans [Infographic]

12 years ago

Obviously over the past few years we've all watched social media influence almost every aspect of our lives, but I…

Making More Friends On Facebook As A Business [Infographic]

12 years ago

Users seem to spend less time on Facebook nowadays as mentioned in Diana's article yesterday about Facebook's decline. The reasons…

Your Daily Cute: Cats Posing Like Pin-Up Girls [10 Pics]

12 years ago

It's "daily cute" time, or "daily wtf" time - I haven't decided which one this is yet. Retro pin-up girls…

DeLorean Car Turned Into A Luxurious Limousine

12 years ago

We will forever think of Back To The Future whenever we see or think about DeLorean cars. That fantastic movie…

Facebook App Warns Friends If They’re Being Annoying

12 years ago

Do you ever feel like putting one of your Facebook friends in time-out for being annoying? Sometimes people go on…

Now You Can Make Creative Jewelry With Your Instagram Pictures

12 years ago

More and more people are discovering the interesting add-on applications that Instagram users keep launching. It's rapidly turning into an…

This Is What It Looks Like Inside An Amazon Warehouse

12 years ago

When you go to Amazon, which is the world's largest online retailer, and you place an order, it's easy, right?…