Andrew Kardon

Andrew Kardon is a freelance writer, lover of Muppets and devourer of sushi. His geek credits include a 10-year stint in editorial at Wizard Entertainment where he enjoyed dinner with Mark Hammil, gave rock legend Dee Snider a tour of his office, and interviewed Marvel founder Stan Lee. He's also the president and co-founder of, the friendliest coupons and deals site on the web. Feel free to help support his geek habits!

Muppetholics Rejoice: Muppet Lego Minifig Concept Ideas

Hi. My name is Andrew, and I'm a Muppetholic. I just can't get enough of those lovable guys. Having grown…

12 years ago

Cthulhu Barbie Will Devour Every Single One of Your Toys

There have been some crazy Barbie dolls over the years. From the fishnet stockings-wearing DC Comics Black Canary to the world's…

13 years ago

10 Superheroes Primed For Avengers 2

Sequels, Assemble! Yeah, like anyone was really surprised that the mega blockbuster hit The Avengers has already been tapped for…

13 years ago