Categories: Business

11 Helpful Tips To Ease Traveling For Work

When you are traveling for work, days can get busy. Between packing, finding an affordable place to stay for the night, and navigating a new city, your stress levels are going to hit their peak.

Thankfully, there are a number of tips you can use to make your travel for work much more manageable.

“When you plan to be busy and stressed in advance, you can get the hardest part out of the way before you even make it to the airport,” says Jessica Nosike, Director of Marketing at Black Girl Vitamins, a company that specializes in vitamins for Black women. “Then, you can enjoy the rest of your work trip in style.”

Whether you’re a frequent business traveler or have to go on the road from time to time, these nine helpful tips will ease your work travel without breaking the bank.


1. Get Organized Before You Leave

No matter how frequent your travels are, it’s important to get organized before you head out on the road. First, take a look at your calendar and see where and when you’re traveling.

This will help you understand how much work you can get done on the road and how much work you’ll have to do before you go.

“Be as organized as possible when you travel for work,” advises Ryan Rottman, Co-Founder and CEO of OSDB. “That way, you don’t have to waste time looking for your passport or trying to figure out how to get from your hotel to your next meeting.”

Find out when you’re flying, and make sure your travel plans line up with your business plans. If you have to drive to your next location, map out your route.

This will help you better understand how much time you have to get there and how much time you have to get back to your destination.

2. Make Sure You Have Everything You Need

When you’re traveling for work, you’ll have a lot more to carry than when you’re traveling for pleasure. That means you’ll need to make sure you have everything you need before you hit the road.

“There is a peace of mind that comes with knowing you have everything you need,” says Kelly Owens, Owner and CEO of Marleylilly, a company known for their line of chic monogrammed gifts. “It makes any trip, work-related or not, a lot less stressful.”

This includes any identification or paperwork, your work-related items, and any other necessities you might need for your trip. Make sure you know where all of these items are and how to access them to streamline the leaving process.

3. Pack Light And Smart

No matter how long your trip is, you don’t want to pack too much — or too little. You need to be smart when you’re packing light so you’re not lugging around extra items.

“There is a wrong way to pack and a right way to pack,” cautions Miles Beckett, Co-Founder and CEO of Flossy. “You want to make sure you’re bringing everything you need, but you don’t want to overpack; there’s a fine balance that you’ll start to figure out the more you travel.”

To pack smart, try to avoid bringing too many clothes. Especially if you’re staying overnight, you don’t need to pack your entire wardrobe — one or two changes of clothes should be all you need.

Wear what you brought with you, buy a new outfit if you need to, or rent a suit for the evening. Bringing a first-aid kit is also a smart idea, as you never know when you might need it.

4. Do Your Research

When you’re traveling for work, you don’t want to just jump into the first hotel you find online. Instead, do your research and find a place that is affordable, has strong reviews, has the amenities you need, and is within walking distance of your work location.

“When you’re traveling for work, the internet can be your best friend,” says Dr. Michael Green, Chief Medical Officer of Winona. “From Google Maps to Yelp, there are a ton of resources that can help you plan your trip and find the best places to stay, eat, and beyond.”

If you’re flying, make sure you know what airline you’re flying with, when your flight leaves and arrives, and any other key details. If you’re driving or taking a bus, make sure you know the route you’ll be taking and the best times to avoid traffic.

5. Know Your Company’s Travel Policy

Before you hop on the road, make sure you understand your company’s travel policy. You’ll want to know how you’ll be reimbursed for your travel and meals, how often you can travel, and how far you can travel.

“Knowing your company’s expectations and policy is critical when you’re traveling for work,” says Anthony Tivnan, President and Co-Founder of Magellan Jets, a company that specializes in private jet charter flights. “Not only do you want to make sure you’re following the rules, but you also want to be aware of any benefits or perks that your company offers.”

After all, just because you’re traveling for work doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your time away from home.

6. Be Prepared For Anything

No matter how well you’re prepared, things can go wrong while traveling. You might have a car accident while driving, or you might miss your flight due to unexpected delays.

“You can’t be too prepared when you’re traveling for work,” explains Adam Greenberg, Co-Founder of One Bone. “There are a lot of ways your trip can go wrong, but if you’re ready for issues when they do occur, they won’t be nearly as disruptive.”

Have an emergency kit set up so that you can deal with the unexpected. For example, bring an extra change of clothes with you in case you get a stain, and have travel insurance in case of an emergency on the road.

7. Stay Healthy And Safe While On The Road

Make sure you stay hydrated, eat enough fiber and protein, get enough sleep, and stay away from too much caffeine. After all, you need to make sure you arrive at your destination healthy and ready to make a good impression.

“It’s easy to let our health slip when we’re traveling,” says Greg Hannley, Founder and CEO of Soba Texas. “By making a conscious effort to stay healthy, we can avoid getting sick and missing that important meeting.”

Don’t forget to get enough sun and vitamin D, too. Even when your work-life balance is disrupted, self-care needs to be a priority.

8. Enjoy Your Time Away From Home

The best way to ease your traveling for work is to enjoy your time away from home. Try new foods, see new sights, and have new experiences. This will help make your trip more memorable, and it will make the time you’re away from home go by faster.

“Missing your loved ones is natural and completely understandable. The best way to avoid letting your emotions get the better of you is to commit to having a wonderful time while you’re away,” advises Marc Boelen, CEO of 2XU, a company known for their line of mens compression pants.

Even if you have a packed schedule, try to find a little time to enjoy the unique offerings of the city where you’re traveling.

9. Make The Most Of Your Business Trips

When you’re on the road for work, you might not always have the opportunity to explore and experience new things the way you would when you’re on vacation. Make sure you make the most of your business trips and do something fun every once in a while.

“It’s incredibly easy to get stressed when you travel for work,” says Nabeel Abdullah, CEO of Sapphire. “Between the traveling itself and keeping up with work-related demands, it’s normal to get overwhelmed. Try to remember that you’re already there anyway, so make a point to have fun and see new things while you’re away from home.”

Business trips can be stressful, but you don’t have to let them bring you down. Make it a point to have some fun while you’re away from home, and you’ll be sure to ease your traveling for work in no time.

10. Set Some Boundaries

Navigating the demands of work while traveling can often blur the lines between professional commitments and personal time. Being in a different location, adjusting to unfamiliar routines, or dealing with jet lag can sometimes make it tempting to extend work hours beyond what’s necessary.

It’s imperative, now more than ever, to establish and maintain boundaries to ensure you don’t spread yourself too thin. Life coach Janine Graziano aptly points out, “No one is going to tell you, ‘You should really stop or take a break.’ So, boundaries are important.” It’s up to you to define those limits.

Being proactive in communicating your availability and setting clear expectations with colleagues can help you maintain a healthy balance between work and relaxation, ensuring both productivity and well-being.

11. Don’t Forget Self-Care

Traveling for work can sometimes feel like a whirlwind of meetings, deadlines, and demands. It’s essential not to lose sight of taking care of yourself amidst the chaos.

As Caroline Drewe, Clinical Director of Latus Health, puts it, “Self-care is essential for the maintenance of health, both physically and mentally. It doesn’t need to be large volumes of time, sometimes, a few minutes can make a big difference.”

Make time to relax, whether that means taking a short walk, enjoying a quiet moment with a cup of tea, or engaging in a mindfulness exercise. Your well-being is crucial, and recognizing that can make all the difference during your travels.

Traveling For Work – Make It There In No Time

With these nine helpful tips in your corner, you’re sure to ease your traveling for work in no time. From staying healthy and safe on the road to making the most of your business trips, you can make work trips a lot less stressful and far more enjoyable.


If you are interested in even more business-related articles and information from us here at Bit Rebels, then we have a lot to choose from.

Ben Williams

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