
R2-D2 Baby Costume: Definitely The Droid You’re Looking For

There is only one kind of Star Wars costume that is better than the fabulous ones we've featured time and…

12 years ago

Buzz Pollination: Bumblebees Sing For Their Supper

What kind of music do you enjoy? Opera? Heavy metal? Or maybe a touch of punk? I have eclectic musical…

12 years ago

Star Wars Dog Collar: Let Your Pooch Pimp It Out In Geek Style

Our pets are such an important part of our lives, and if your pet happens to be a dog, you…

12 years ago

Geek Olympic Events: If Geeks Were Competing In London

If you have been watching the Olympics, you know it's been an exciting ride so far. Michael Phelps is always…

12 years ago

Star Wars LEGO Chess Set Makes For Epic Sci-Fi Gaming

I have to admit that I have never been very much into playing chess. Maybe it's because I usually don't…

12 years ago

R2-D2 Shares An Evening With 2 Pretty Ladies [Cosplay]

We've featured a lot of R2-D2 and Star Wars cosplay over the years, but this is the first time I've…

12 years ago

Stormtrooper Helmet Created Entirely Out Of A Milk Jug

Most people regard creativity as something people you are born with but nothing could be farther from the truth. All…

12 years ago

Charms: These Geeky Gaming Charms Will Make You Giddy

Charm bracelets were really popular a few decades ago, and then when people started decorating their iPhones with charms a…

12 years ago

Minecraft Figurines 3D Printed For Real Life Playing

As we all know, Minecraft is probably the biggest and most successful indie game of all time. There are thousands…

12 years ago

Harry Potter: Every Chapter Ever Written Illustrated In One Image

As I've written before, I've never read any of the Harry Potter books or seen any of the movies. Before…

12 years ago