
Never Before Seen Images Of Google’s Data Centers

Kids today are so used to the Internet that I'm sure some of them think it lives in their computer.…

12 years ago

Obama vs. Romney On Cybersecurity [Infographic]

There is no doubt the American Presidential election has garnered a lot of "scandals" and news worthy events for each…

12 years ago

Time To Get Retro: Compact Discs & How They Affected Our Lives

In case you missed it, the 30th anniversary of the first compact disc sale was on October 1st. The CD…

12 years ago

Choose Wisely: Company Name Or Domain Name First? [Infographic]

Now that it's critical for every business to have an online presence, we are faced with finding a domain name…

12 years ago

Ultimate iPhone Dock For The Retro Traveling Geek

It's funny how a new gadget can make you stop using your old gadgets. Take the iPhone 5 for example…

12 years ago

Why The Web’s Most Popular Color Is Blue [Infographic]

We have touched on the topic of Internet colors before. In most of those articles, we took a closer look…

12 years ago

Printed Magazine Creates An Augmented Reality Experience

I never thought reading a printed magazine would lead me to writing about augmented reality. Right before I went on…

12 years ago

Music Hat Makes Winter Exercising A Cozy Endeavor

We have written about the health risks of sitting in front of the computer too long here at Bit Rebels…

12 years ago

Home 3D Printing Now More Affordable With PandaBot

Yesterday I wrote about some exciting news that might mark the beginning of consumer products being instantly delivered over the…

12 years ago

Android vs. iOS: Which Users Are More Social? [Infographic]

For years now, people have jokingly compared Android users with iOS users. I remember a couple years ago I published…

12 years ago