Categories: Geek

LEGO Star Wars Movie: The Escape Of The Black Stormtrooper

Alright, it might not be a long feature movie, but LEGO short movies have always been very entertaining to say the least.  Stop motion movies really took off a few years back, and it’s no wonder that people buy those colorful blocks as much as they do.  We all want to get in on the fun and make something as creative and awesome as what we see in these short movies.  Usually it takes quite some time and a crap load of LEGO blocks to build up such a scenery as we see in most of these movies, but that doesn’t scare us from trying.  And, that’s a great thing cause with every little new short movie, the world of LEGO expands a little more in our minds.  When they are Star Wars oriented, it’s even more fun and inspirational.

Donald Faison, the builder, director, writer, animator and editor is known for his awesome Star Wars geekiness.  I think the awesomeness in this short movie isn’t the fact that it has a black stormtrooper, but rather the insanely detailed and professionally lit sets that the animation takes place in.  That’s not to mention the sick builds that more than portray the scale and size of the whole world.

I sure wouldn’t mind watching a whole feature movie with these kinds of sets and builds.  It would be a pleasure really.  I mean, sure I am a geek, but this kind of nerdery can’t be passed up by anyone.  It’s too great and too well done.  Period!

Richard Darell

Richard Darell is the founder and CEO of Bit Rebels, a multifaceted online news outlet that reports daily on the latest developments in technology, social media, design and everything geek. Today this media entity welcomes more than 3.5 million unique visitors per month and is considered the go-to place for people in constant motion. As an Internet entrepreneur, he is dedicated to constantly trying to develop new ways to bring content faster and closer to the end user in a more streamlined way. His excitement for statistics has allowed him to further develop systems that continuously produce accurate and fast-paced analytics to better optimize the approach by which Bit Rebels presents news and content. His graphic design background has proven to be an important tool when designing new systems and features for Bit Rebels since the development of solid and stable code depends entirely on their structure and implemented procedures. Richard currently resides in Stockholm, Sweden and directs the Bit Rebels offices in both Stockholm and Atlanta. You can reach Richard at

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